Foreclosure Posting Requirements

The Notice of Default (NOD) must be mailed by certified mail to the trustor and his successors, anyone in
possession, and the junior lien holders. The Notice must also be posted on the property and the property visually
inspected for evidence of recent construction activities. If any such evidence is seen, an attempt must be made to
give notice of the foreclosure to those performing the work. Notice of the sale must be posted in three public places
within 5 miles of the location of the sale and at least 30 days prior to the sale. One of the places must be in the U.S.
Post Office located nearest to where the sale will be held. Notice of the sale must also be published once a week for
four consecutive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation published nearest to the place of sale.
In addition to the notice required by law, a notice of the sale of real property on execution shall be given by
publishing a notice of the sale on a qualified Internet website beginning at least 45 days before the date of the sale.
Please refer to AS 09.35.140 – Section 2, as amended by Alaska 26th legislature HB 108 for Internet website
qualification to publish notices of sale. Link to amendment at the end of this section

Foreclosure Auction Locations

Most states direct the specific location where a sheriff, trustee or creditor may conduct a foreclosure sale. Often the
direction is as vague as “any public place within the county in which the property is located.” Other times, the
statute requires that a foreclosure sale only be held at the site of the property to be foreclosed. Foreclosure sales can
be conducted at public auction held at the front door of a courthouse of the superior court in the judicial district
where the property is located, unless the deed of trust specifically provides that the sale shall be held in a different

Foreclosure Timeline:

Timeline Step Days for Step Total Days
Initiate foreclosure by transmitting relevant documents 1 1
Record Notice of Default 1 12
Receive and review Trustee’s Sale Guarantee; send 1-month notices 1 32
Begin required postings and publishing of sale; required Notice of Sale mailed to all entitled parties 90 93
Loan may be reinstated up to five business days before sale N/A 112
Sale held 24 117
Trustee’s Deed is prepared and sent to county 3 120

(Timeline is for non-judicial foreclosures. Intervals are optimal and assumes no delays.)